Green Champa Incense

High Quality Green Champa Incense Sticks You'll Love. Handmade with 100% Natural Ingredients.
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Showing 1 - 6 of 6 products
Showing 1 - 6 of 6 products

Sweet, Floral and Earthy. A Top Quality Incense!

A strong and extremely earthly champa with dry pungent notes opening up flowing waves of floral oils. Simply Heavenly!

The powerful and extremely earthly scent of green champa permeates this special scent with beautiful nag champa supporting waves. A grounding incense with dancing sweet notes. Wonderful and intoxicating. Simply Heavenly!

SAVE OVER 45% WITH THIS BUNDLE SAVER. Unit price per 20 grams = £2.07

SAVE OVER 45% WITH THIS BUNDLE SAVER. Unit price per 20 grams = £2.59

SAVE OVER 45% WITH THIS BUNDLE SAVER. Unit price per 20 grams = £2.59